Today, at their 1 year anniversary in India, Xiaomi make amends with the launch of 32 GB internal storage variant, priced at 14,999 INR. The 32 GB variant will be available in dark grey color only. “To kickstart our birthday celebrations, we’re introducing our Mi 4i 32GB, now with double the storage capacity and still our most compact innovation ever!” stated Xiaomi in a social media post. The best part of Xiaomi Mi 4i is its gorgeous 5 inch full HD display, the best in its class. Other strong points include a compact design, beautiful MIUI 6 skin and a fine 13 MP rear camera/ 5 MP front camera combination. Other features include 2 GB RAM, 4G LTE, Android Lollipop and a 3150 mAh battery. Downside is that the phone tends to heat up more than a few other phones, but this has been fixed to an extent in last update.
Recommended: Xiaomi Mi 4i Review, Unboxing, Benchmarks, Gaming, Camera and Verdict
What a revolutionary year it has been for Xiaomi. Xiaomi started with Mi3 which was a roaring success, followed by compelling handsets spread across entry level and mid range segment. Today the company is retailing several products and accessories through all major online retail partners and its own store (Store App is also available on Playstore). The company is also looking forward to manufacturing gadgets in India. Initially, Mi 4i will be available via company’s own India store. Registration starts today and first sale will be held on 28th July 2015. There will be new surprises everyday this week as Xiaomi celebrates its 1 Year Anniversary.